A day full of tears

Sorry for all my wrong doings
Assalamualaikum, good evening my dear viewers. This morning, my school held a Solat Hajat event for Spm & Stpm candidates. We are all so excited ! Right after performing our prayer, we went downstairs to hear the briefing from the teachers. While were going downstairs, we do not miss the opportunity to take a picture of us (friends) together. My friends and I were like super duper crazy laughing out loud together while snapping the pictures. 

On 1010am, we went to the girls canteen to have our breakfast. Were talking, joking and sharing a lot of funny story just to make us feel ''less stress'' lol. After breakfast, we went back to the hall and continue snapping pictures. When the teachers arrived to the hall, the event continued with the ''Majlis restu''. Oh, I don't know how to story to you guys about my feelings and reactions for the event.. It was an unexpected day tho. Most of the students, were crying so bad and asked for a forgiveness and be thankful to the teachers for sharing a lot of knowledge and what have they teaches us.

Well, guys. SPM is just around the corner. I have no time to play no more. And I wish that I can meet you guys in front and apologize to you guys which is easier. But its ok, its never too late to apologize. Yes, I know that I did a lot of mistakes to my family, especially my beloved mom & dad, my sister, teachers, friends and not to forget my juniors. So, on this day, I want to apologize to those who I've ever did wrong to. I am truly sorry. I am just a normal human and I do make mistakes. Thank you for the opportunity, thank you for being a wonderful friends, thank you for being there for me when I'm in need, oh I love you guys (family, teachers and friends)