Mid-term another 2days ~

Assalamualaikum, hello guys.Long time i'm not posting anything for my blog.Yeah, as you know.I'm busy with mid-term. *sigh* I'm very tired to study and study and study just for 2weeks exam.Only now i have a break to tweet and update my blog.But, i've tried my best to score a good results for all subjects.I hope, i get what I want.A gred, please come to me :'3

Hello new visitors ! I'm glad you came.Thank you for drive by to read my post.I really appreciate it.Hihi, tomorrow I have no papers.But, Pn. Azizan asked all 4Account students to come to school because she want to give us notes and example of how to answer economy essay paper.Actually, I'm tired to go to school tomorrow.I need a rest.But, for economy subjects.I must go !

 Today, I'm very happy to be there with my girlfriends in library.As you know, students are not allowed to talk or make noisy sounds in the library.But, we make a lot of noisy sound and talk much in there till PSS teacher get mad and babbling at us to stop making a noisy sound and read any books in the library.We was like 'Oh, okay' *starting to laugh like crazy person* XD

You know, friendship never ends.Always appreciate your friend and stay together till forever.InsyaAllah, everythting that you did with your friends never make you down and always be happy.I love my friends! They always make me happy and smile.I hope that we will stay together till forever guys :*

Till now my post for today.I got to go and study more for this Thursday paper.Hihi, again.Thank you so much to all of you who drive by to read my post.I love you guys.Really appreciate it ;)