Ramadhan Al Mubarak starts tomorrow. Alhamdulillah :)

Salam Ramdhan Al Mubarak to all Muslims in the entire world :)

Assalamualaikum, hello guys. Oh, today is FF day. Happy FF day and Salam Jumaat to you all. May Allah bless you guys today, tomorrow and the next day. InsyaAllah *smile*

 Dear MUSLIMS, as you all know. Tomorrow will start our new life with Ramadhan. Oh, I bet that most of you can't wait to 'bersahur' , 'berbuka' , out to buy foods at Bazaar Ramadhan with your love ones and etc. Hihi, well exactly were same. *high5!* Hopefully, our Ramadhan this year will be just fine and may Allah bless us. Amin *smile*

Today, my school got a speaker came to give a Ramadhan Al Mubarak talks in Wangsa Bestari Hall. Oh, the  speaker was happening and funny. I enjoyed he's talks. Alhamdulillah, some of he's talks came into my brain. And, I still remember what he shared to us. But, I admit. Mostly, I laughed hard with my bestfriend in the hall. Oops .__.

In the class, after recess. I was bored and story much will my classmates. We were story like too much. Haha, kinda fun cause it can make our friendship more closer right ? Hihi. Then, I grab a whiteboard marker and draw on the whiteboard. Firstly, I draw a hills. Secondly, I draw a sweet couple. Thirdly, I draw an owl with a moon. Mwehehe, I'm too bored.

Pn. Fatimah : 'Hari ini kenapa kamu semua hyper sangat? Selalunya baca doa tak bersemangat langsung.'  Classmates : 'Sebab, esok nak puasaaaaaaaaaaa!' *Were all laughing with teacher* Hihi, Were too excited for Ramadhan. Oh, yeah. I think that's all from me to story to you about what had happen today. Okay, guys. Thanks for visiting and reading my post. Heart you guys a lot xxx