Exam started.

Tweet become first *peace*

Assalamualaikum, hello boys and girls.I'm here, on the cements tweeting while updating my blog.By the way,  I'm sick.Ah, flu please go away. I just hate you :<

Okay, here we start. So, today is our 1st day of exam. We started with English and History subject. Oh, English was just fine. History a bit hard :/ *sighs* Cause, I really hard to understand about history. Its damn hard kay.I repeat, damn hard. But, Alhamdulillah everything was just fine. 

After school, uncle Zul bought mama and me to NZ Curry House before he send my lil' sis to Agama school. Alhamdulillah, long time no eat at NZ Curry House for quite times. Hihi, 'rezeki' for me today. Again, Alhamdulillah :')

Now, I'm home and done with my shower and fed my cats. Hooray, everything is done. Now, I'm dating with my phone and my aunt Shay's laptop tweeting and youtubing much. Ehem, I'm bored. Tomorrow is maths paper. Ohemji, I'm shaking :/

Ah, I need to do lot of exercise tonight. Zzz, maths. Y U NO easy ? -.- Okay, guys. I better out and ..... tweet more. Weehoo :p