Happy Eid Mubarak 2013

Assalamualaikum, to everyone who stop by to visit my girly blog. I am here wishing to all muslims people " Happy Eid Mubarak! " It has been a month were fasting. And Alhamdulillah, everything was fine, I am grateful for everything. As you all know yesterday, is the last day of Ramadan. Today, all muslims people are celebrating Eid Mubarak with their love ones. I'm pretty sad that yesterday is the last day of Ramadan for this year. No more fasting, no more sahur, no more tarawikh. Well, its ok. Anyways goodbye Ramadan, till we meet again next year. Syawal you are most welcome !

Let's talk about shopping ? Yes, shopping! I know, most of you guys went to the mall, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and many more to buy lots of new baju kurung/baju Melayu for Raya right? Neither do I hehehe. So my colors of baju kurung for this year is a bit different than the past years Raya [Turquoise & black+green] Yeap. Alhamdulillah, my family and I prepared everything earlier this year. Because we know most of the shops will be to crowded with people lol, you know what .. My mom asked me if I want to buy new shoes, new shawl and more or not? But, I didn't want to buy it. 2 Baju kurung is enough for me. To be honest, I am not even happy at all to celebrate Raya for this year. Yes, it is all because of the damn up-coming exams. *cranky face*

I have nothing left to say more. Its just that I want to apologize to you guys for everything. I'm sorry for making you sad, I'm sorry for making you mad, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, I'm sorry that I lied to you, and the most important thing is that I'm sorry for not being a good friend and a good person in your life. Forgive all my wrong doings towards you, forget about the past, keep on smiling and be happy. Whatever you do, be grateful guys! 

- Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin dear family & friends