Ramadan is finally here ..

I've been waiting for it since January. So as everybody else. Yes, it is finally here. Today is the 6th day of Ramadan. You are highly welcome Ramadan to the world of muslims waiting for you since you had left us. And it is never too late to wish to all muslims out there," happy fasting! ". Stay calm and do a lot of goodness. Ramadan is the month of victories, many battles were fought on this blessed month. May Allah grant our brothers around the world victory. Let's help them by praying to Allah. There will be too many test from Allah in Ramadan. We just need to remind ourselves to be patient and stay positive. Well, I hope people will stay well mannered after Ramadan. Hey guys, don't take fasting as a burden, just enjoy and be pleasure on doing everything. Sorry for all my wrong doings towards you guys!

" Forgiving people is much better than asking for a forgiveness "