Activities for this week !

Sorry for the small picture 
Assalamualaikum, hello dear viewers! How are you? I hope you're doing fine there. Today is Saturday and I am spending my time alone in my room without turning on the light and fan. Oh what a cold and freezy night eyy... 

So, those are some pictures that I took from the past 2-3 days that I spent my time with my beloved family and friends. It was fun, havoc and hectic! How can I never missed it? Hm, if only I can go back to the day where my family, friends and I spent our time together happily. I graduated from school on September, I have passed my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, I have finished my life in school and now I am in process on making a driving license. Well, speaking of 'driving license.. I am superbly excited and nervous about it, for sure. While I'm on the process of making a driving license, I am trying to fill my free time going out to do a lot of fun activities with my family. Not just that, not just my family, I am also trying to spend my time with my friends, cats and relatives as I can. I have no idea what's going to come up tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year. I just hope that I will be living in a happy way without being frustrated and stressed like I used to be.

Last but not list, I am so happy with my life now. No more stressed, no more interference and no books no more lol. Thank you god for giving me such a happy life and a meet me up with a wonderful people that I have in my life right now :)