I passed!

Driving test

Assalamualaikum, I am back to update a new post today. I got a little bit stress this week because I have to retest my driving test for the 2nd time on 18th April, which is yesterday. So I told myself be even more focus and be patient to get through the test. 

18th April 2014- I woke up at 640am and hit the shower, get dressed and took my breakfast. Then I started to talked to myself, " Focus, alert and control your patience. YOU CAN ". I set a pray for myself to get through the test easily. Then my aunt came to my house and took me to SKEM driving academy. Arrived at 845am and I straight away went to the hall and wait for my name to be called for the registration. 930am sharp, my name was called out, and so I grabbed my number and walked to the section II test place. While I was walking, I kept on praying for the best for myself. And I tried to be chill and act cool. So they've started the test at 10am, my number is 18 and I am in the 1st section group. Oh being the first group always makes my nervous double boost up! When the teacher called out my number, I walked to one of the car that they've provided and try to make myself comfortable. Alhamdulillah, everything were just fine! I passed and I am so happy I could die. I didn't expect that I've passed the test. Oh I am proud of myself because I managed to get through the sick test lmao. I was terrified, if I failed on that day, on the same spot where I failed on the 1st test last week. I'll shoot myself there. (lol just kidding)

Then I came home, grabbed a slice of bread and spread it with a butter. Yumm it tasted so delicious. OH you know, everything tasted delicious when you are too hungry. Whoa, I feel much better now. Less thing to worry about. Now, I need to move on and do something good for my future. That's all for now, bye! :)