1st week of college

Assalamualaikum, hey guys I am back. I have been thru a lot for the past weeks. I am now a college student, and life in college is way harder then I thought. Those pictures you saw up there, yeap that is me, I am with my seniors and friends on the 1st week of college. Wow, college life is fun! Even though there's a lot to be done and finished on time. The lecturers & students here are sporting and cool tho. Loving the love from here. 

Several things that college life changed me a lot, my weight, the way I think, punctual, my sleep time, eating habit, and others. Everything has changed. Oh I am extra exhausted, sleepy and I had less time to eat. My life is all about assignment now. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah that I am very thankful for having such a sporting & kind-hearted lecturers, seniors & friends.

Never thought that I could be this grateful. Well, for sure I'm scared to be in college life. The rumours, scares me tho. But now, I've realized that there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just that, I'll be more happy if my high school friends were studying with me, same course. It'll be extra fun! But its okay, you know we can't have everything we want to be true. Something must be wait, wait for the right time to be come. Let the happiness come to you. Have fun & enjoy your life. Just be happy ok, thank you for coming by and to read my post. Goodbye for now..