
Photography by @syamimifzain

Good morning, Thursday. It is 18th September 2014, a day to be remembered because I woke up way too early than the usual. I felt a little bit uncomfortable, so I went to the bathroom and hit the shower. It surprised me that I woke up at 3am in the morning, hit the shower, and straight away walk to the living room to surf the internet using my mom's laptop. It feels great to hit the shower when you're feeling uncomfortable. What a great start, hoping for a great day too.

So basically, when you open and read this post, you'll see a collage picture of me. The picture was taken yesterday evening by my own sister. Had a great family-shopping-day-out. Haven't go for a shopping since forever, I felt like a girl who is craving for new toys and begged my parents to buy me everything at the mall. Oh, it takes me way way back, it reminds me when I was a little bit younger than now. Living happily with my complete family. But, it's sad that I am living with my only mom and sister. Na'ah, I ain't going to talk about it here. There's nothing to talk about, sometimes the past just hit me and makes me a little bit down. But what can I do, that is all living in the past now. I am living in the moment, so I just need to think about my future and move on.

Just so you know, I don't know what should I talk about now. But the only thing that is on my mind is my final exam. I only have to sit for two question papers, which is English Language Awareness & Basic Graphic. Yesterday, I sat for my English Language Awareness question paper. The part C, which is the essay section. Is a little bit tough for me, but everything else seems okay. I don't know about others, but I hope that I can score and satisfy myself and my lecturer. For the second paper, it will be held on next Monday. Oh I am so nervous for this paper. It's getting on my nerves, ah I hope that I can answer the questions clearly. Wish me luck guys, I think that's all for today. See you when I see you, going to watch some movies. 
