old picture -sept 14-

Assalamualaikum, and a very good evening to everyone. I am in my aunt's room, having a cup of hot tea while updating this post. It is raining cats & dogs here, it's terrifying. But as long as I got my music & earphones by my side, it wouldn't be a big problem. 

Literally, I am sitting down right under the air conditioner which makes me shivering non-stop! And as I say, it is raining cats & dogs out there. Your imagination needed now (air conditioner + rain = FREAKING COLD), yaaa feel me?! I know you guys would probably say, "turn off the air conditioner", "grab a blanket" or maybe "wear a long sleeve shirt". Well, first of all. I can't just turn off the air conditioner, because my aunt is the one who turned it on because she's hot. Secondly, I have no blanket here in my granny's house. Mine is at my house, and I am shy to ask for a blanket (my typical problem). And thirdly, I DON'T HAVE A FREAKING LONG SLEEVE SHIRT TO WEAR. I only only have two, but it is for hang out or as known as a street wear. 

It's okay, just cut it off. I can roll with this situation by my own. If not now, maybe later.

Just so you know, I don't have the exact topic to talk about. And I have been thinking for many times what word or sentences should I put as the post title. It is really embarrassing. It happens twice now. Grr I'm sorry, I've lost my idea for this post. Totally forgotten the real topic. Oh well, things gets even harder here. Too many things that needs to settled before I go back to my college for the 2nd sem. 

Not to forget, this summer break was not like what I expected to be, I might add. It crashed my heart like an aeroplane had problems on landing. That's just came out from my mind, ignore the sentences lol. Guess I need to finish this post now before I've gone too far & weirder. Um, thank you for came by and reading this 'no storyline' post. *wink