The most heartbreaking month.

It was very a heartbreaking month.

It is literally 23:26pm, and I am with my mom in my aunt's room. The only room where we talked about a lot of stuffs, do stupid things together with my aunt. A place where I grew up with my aunt. Wait wow, I don't know how this post will be end. I can't really tell you, but what's going on right now is that I am so sad. Based on the collage of 3 pictures above, I have lost 2 wonderful person in my life within only 1week. Those are the people who always there for me, ups & downs. Who always took care of my family & I. And the people who has sacrificed a lot of their time just for my family & I. I have been cried too much for the past week, due to my aunt who has passed away on the 7th of October. My eyes were swelling so bad & I can't control myself. Thank god, my family have tried so hard to calm me down. And they did it! 


Apparently, on the 14th of October, I've lost my grandpa on 11:10am at Hospital Kuala Lumpur. I was at home that time, I literally just woke up & just hit the shower. But then I got a heartbreaking news from my family Whatsapp group saying that my grandpa is dead. I was totally shocked and immediately went to my house and got changed wearing a proper outfits. I have never been this sad, for the past months & years. This is the most heartbreaking month for my family & I. Words really can't describe the situation I am in, but that is life. People come, and go. Just don't think too much, and move on. I know it is hard for you to do that on your first attempt, but you have to force yourself to do it no matter what. If I can do, why can't you? 

Be strong!