Eid Mubarak without grandpa

Day 4, at HKL

It is 21:03pm, I am at the living room with my big family watching the Akademi Fantasia. Just in case you didn't know what is Akademi Fantasia, Akademi Fantasia is a Malay reality show. While they were watching the show, I grabbed my mom's laptop and straight away signed in my Blogger. Yeap, I signed in just to update a new post. Let's just cut to the chase, by telling you guys how I start my day from the earlier... 

Shall we?

I literally woke up early today. Because all the muslims are celebrating the Eid Mubarak. The reason why I woke up early, is to help my mom & grandma cook the traditional foods such as, chicken rendang, beef curry & chicken curry. Right after I helped them cooking, I went to the bathroom and washed my sticky and smelly body. I had rice with beef curry for breakfast, and it is very delicious! Well, as we all know. Most of the time, right after we ate something, our body will be so lazy & weak or even sleepy like a Snake. I walked to the living room and took a nap on the couch since I have nothing left to do. In case you're wondering why I am not going somewhere for 'beraya', it is because my grandpa admitted in the hospital the other day due to his stroke.

- 30mins later-

I woke up for the second time, went to the kitchen and washed my face. I am wide awake, and I am ready to do something productive. *whisper to your ears* (download new music & latest movie) Is that count as productive?! lol not at all. While I was downloading the stuffs, I played chess from my laptop games. And won twice. Seriously, I have no idea why I suck at playing chess lately. It is like I lost my mad skills in chess, that is pretty sad & pathetic tho. But it's okay, it is just a game.

Around 15:30pm, my mom & uncle told me to get ready to visit my grandpa at the hospital. And we arrived at the hospital at 16:15pm. Went straight to his floor & room, the first thing we saw is he was sleeping. So I told my mom to not wake his up. But, suddenly he opened his eyes and looked at us. Maybe he heard our steps walking to his bed. I feel bad, it's okay, we talked a lot to each other but I can't really understand him because he can't pronounce some words clearly due to his stroke. As long as he can talk, that's fine for us. We're happy that he is much better than the day he admitted. I am so blessed.

So here I am, back home and a bit tired ( I don't even know why) had a great day today. And that's pretty much it. Thank you for reading my post & have a good night eartlings ;)