Annual 2months ♥ ‏

Assalamualaikum, hello ! How are you guys ? Hope you're in good condition.I'm really happy today.Wondering why ? It's my annual 2months with my love one.Thanks for being there when i needed and thanks for loving me, Izzat Hanif

 Today, i skip 2 classes.Ah, i know it's a bad habit.But, i'm so sorry.Cause' i'm lazy and dizzy on 2periods before schools done.So, i went to canteen and hang with my junior.They are awesome ! It's great and happy talking and laughing with them all.Suddenly, the 1st bell rings.And, all my junior gotta go for the assembly.So, i'm waiting for my girl and boy friends alone at the canteen.

Then, the 2nd bell rings and i was like 'Yeayyyyyy'.And, i saw Akma and Syikin ran to me and say 'Yanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'.Haha, so cute they are ! Lol, then we ran to the other side of canteen to took our lunch.Guess what ? Hihi, i ate Keli fish sambal with rice for lunch.I know, it's kinda simple.But, yeah ~ i don't mind if my meal doesn't have any 'kuah'.I can live without it.

After lunch and much, we went to the 'dewan terbuka' and talking much.Not just talking, we were laughing as usual much ! Haha, were the craziest gang in WMians.Lol, really ? Hahaha.We never stop laugh at school.I bet, every schoolmates that saw us.They will saw that we always laugh like eff hard.

Lastly, before i go back home.We went to the library to do some revision.But, you know what we do most ? Talking ? No ! Were laughing too much in there.Ya Allah, were too crazy stalking our schoolmates.Hahaha, laugh until we cry.It is crazy.What a day ~ So, till' here for today.Byeee xx