
Assalamualaikum, hello guys ! Homaigadd, long time no update aite ? You know how i miss you Mr. Blogger ? :'3 Ah~ sorry, i'm not in mood and too busy for school and much.Plus, i've got fever for 3days now.*sigh* what a bad week i got.What to do ? Just go on with my life.

So, talk about fever aite.You know, theres a weird story.For this 1week, lot of my classmate got fever like me.Such as, Akma, Najwa, Maizura, Syafiqa and much more.Lol, its kinda funny kay ? Hmm.Stop about all this 'desease'.Lets talk about life.Lol, haha my life is great.Yeah, way to great with my girlfriends.But, not to great with some of my teachers.Ah! Dont wanna talk about it.It makes me stress.

Wait, i dont know why im kinda bored tonight.So, what i decided to do is update you Mr. Blog, tweet and youtubing.Yeah, it makes me boredless.Thank you.Hihi, its funny how i thanks this social thingy.Haha.Actually, idk what to talk more.*sigh* Kinda sad ....... blabla.Tomorrow mama and others planed something.But, i decided to sleep and have a date with my cool bed ^^' Isn't that a cool plan ? :p

Okay, this is way to funny story.Aniq and me is very close member.Too many times our schoolmate and some of teachers saw both of us talking and laughing together.And, you know what the funny story is ? Most of them say that Aniq and me were couple.Deng ! Were not okay ? T.T Were just close .. like close close friend.Lol, i'm done.Haaa, wanna tweet more today ! So, night guys xx