Times fly fast

Assalamualaikum, heyy world.So, today is 24th April 2012.Wait ... what ? April ? Okay, this is mad.Times fly fast.I mean, from January-April 2012 i was playing a lot with my friends.Sometimes, what teacher teaching infront can't enter my mind.Because, my mind is full of laugh and crazy things that i talked with my girlfriends.

It's hard being in form4.I bet, it is different then form1-3.Wow, i can't believe that mid-year exam is near.Another 2weeks to sit on the exam.And, i'm still lost in account, economy and additional maths subject.Yeayyyyyyyyyyy me ~ Deng ! 

I wanna take an advantage to study early then before.I want to study and get a better result then the 1st exam.InsyaAllah, i can.I decided to study most account and additional maths subject.It is really important and need to be good results.Plus, mid-year exam is the time teacher meets parent sessions.I hate it -.-

Whatever it is, i hope i can do the best this time.I mean, i have to perform better every exam.Lol, i'm happy and grateful cause its raining ~^^'~ It can make me sleep well then before.Woohhh ! I think, this is all for today.Have a nice day.Hope a better day for us tomorrow :'3