Day after day ~

No words, just tears.A happy tears.
Assalamualaikum, *waving hands* hey ~ Alhamdulillah, today I'm a bit okay then yesterday.Not crying anymore.But, my mood still spoil.InsyaAllah, everythings gonna be okay.Today, I got a few exam papers.And, you know what ? The results is quite bad.Oh, I swear I gave up already. *sighs* I don't know what to say more.Honestly, I want to struggle myself for next exam.

So, today I slept in class.And, I skip a few classes hanging with Form2 students.Yeah, it makes me stressless.Thanks girls, love yall a lot *happy tears* Sometimes, we just need to be alone.Sometimes, not.But, I can imagine how my life without my lovely friends.K, without them my life will full of boredem.I need them even though I need to be alone sometimes.Love my girlfriends a lot *flying kiss*

No homeworks.Yeahhh ~ Wait ! No ? Yeah, I lied.History got lot of homeworks *sighs* I hate history.It is the most bored subject I ever learned K.Damn, how am I gonna finish it before Friday ? Lazy girl here ~ Great.Hmm, I'm afraid of this 29th.My hands are shaking and my heart is racing.See ? How scared I am.Fuuu~ I hope that my mom not gonna babbling infront of my teacher.Oh, please ! *praying to Allah*

Lastly, I just want to say that I'm happy to have a lot of friends.From Form1-Form5.They are awesome and I'm grateful to have them in my world.Thanks for being in my world for as long as you can.Love yall a lot *hugs*