Someday, somehow.

Searching and looking for the future .
Assalamualaikum, supp.Today, I'm sick.Yeah, I'm really sick.Poor me cause I got dizzy at school.I can't focus what teachers babbling infront of our class.Yeayyyy, me. *sighs* Btw, how are you guys? Hope you're just fine okay? If you're sick like me, please eat your medicine.Don't waste your day being sick.

Today, I'm not in a good mood AGAIN.Wondering why? Exactly, my results. *sighs* I don't know what to say anymore.But, honestly I tried my best.Its okay, this is a lesson for me to struggle more for next exam.And, I almost give up.Almost ! Hmm, I'm dead if my mom knows my results.I mean, bad results.

K, STOP ABOUT RESULTS.Its been a while I'm not laughing as hard as before.I don't know why I'm not in the right mood like before.OMG ! OMG ! *sighs* I'm different.I'm a bad person.I'm sorry for not being a person you want me too.I just, I just can't.People makes mistakes, and learned from our mistakes.I hope, you can forgive me.I'm sorry, truly sorry....

I wish that it would rain forever, so my tears would be hidden.And, I might be weak at heart but I'm not gonna let it tear me apart.Its sad when friends become enemies. But whats even worse is when they become strangers.I hope that my friendship with my cool girlfriends will stay till forever.Amin :')

P/S : Just forgive, and forget.