Helping my mom with honor.

Car wash with family today ^^
Assalamualaikum, yawww guys ! Oh, I'm sweating babe.Sweating washing my mom's car just now.Hyeah, helping my mom is my routine everyday.Do you did the same thing too ? High5 ! Hihi, so whats up to guys ? Stay good and cool okay ? *cheers* 

Okay, I'm bored.So, I'm here want to post about what I did today.Wow, times fly so fast.I woke up at 12p.m and tuptaptuptap already 5p.m ? Damn, I need a rest.What a long day is today.Chilling with my lil' sis and my 15+ cats after helping my family is the awesome moment.I love them so much.Whenever my mood is down or I don't have any mood to do everything.I always tell my bad story to my lovely cats.Hihi, they understand me well. *tears* Lol

Today, I don't touch my phone for a day.Wow, a new record ! Lol, busy girl today ~ Hihihi.Plus, my BIS deactivated.So, I can't tweet or bbm-ing with my friends.So, yeah.My phone is very quite and resting for a month I guess.Hahaha.Dear BIS, I'm searching for a money.Just wait till I active you okay ? Trolol, I love you.Haha, K I'm too annoying with the BIS stuff.

Keep on going~ I decided to iron my school uniform tonight while hearing my fav songs.Oyeah, party all night before sleeping.Tenenenenenet :3 I think, its time for me to continue tweeting.Bye-bye, thanks for visiting baby !