Nothing to describe.I love you, classmates.


Assalamualaikum, guys.How are you today? Hope you're just fine and good.I'm just good here tweeting while updating my blog.Oh, yeah.Today is Monday.And, you know Monday.The day of long assembly *sighs* I just hate assembly.It makes me feel bored and look like an idiot hearing teachers babbling about bored stuff.Heh ~

So, my day is just great.Nothing speacial, nothing.Just the same, Monday is the boredem day ever I tell you.You feel the same thing too? Well, we got a similarities.Hihihik, today I've got a photography session for Bahasa Malaysia club.And, I was like .................. super cute in the picture.LOL, you know I was joking.Zzzz

No mood to hear what teachers are teaching infront.So, I decided to sleep in the class while talking&laughing with them boys.Uhuks, were all crazy and super crazy.I love my classmates.They are just like my family.Whenever I'm sad, they will be there for me.Whenever I'm sick, they give an advise for me to eat and blabla.Awwh, they're just cool bros&sis evah !

I think, I'm done here.Bye-bye, blogger.And, thanks for coming here just to visit my blog.Heart you guys a lot *hugs&kisses*