Movie day with my girlfriend and boyfriend.

Shut up bitch.I'm focusing
Assalamualaikum, hello my blog walker.How are you ? Welcome and please, have a sit.Hihi, today I went to school as usual.And, its damn awesome.Wondering why ah ? Well, here I tell you.I've got this one friend named Akma.She's awesome and good girl.I love her so much.One of my best buddy.Plus, Akma places in the class is right beside me.Oh, what a crazy girl both of us is.Nyeh ~

So, we went to Wangsa Walk Mall right after school.We were happy anjoying our day watching Madagascar 3 and eating while chit-chating.You know, even though were in one school or even in same class.We don't have a time to talk and laugh much.See, till were out hanging.We just can't stop chit-chat and laugh out louds.And, Akma, Syikin and me laugh out loud in the cinema like were the only one in the cinema.So, LOL !

I bought a new cover for my BlackBerry.And, I think its awesome and cool.OIh, yeah.Grey colour ~ Nyeh, I went to Petsmore and I was so crazy when I saw the parsian cats and the rabbits.Awwh, so cute.I want to keep them.But, I can't buy with not enough money.Oh, sad ! Well, of course I'm sad.Heh, I'm a cat lover.They are too awesome and always understand me.Uhuks ~

Okay my bros,I'm done and roger&out.Before that, I would like to stop my post with a hugs to you.Hihi, *hugs* ^^