Oh, tomorrow !

Assalamualaikum, hey guys.How are you today ? Ehem, you seems okay.Trolol, hope you're in fine condition okay ? Okay, I'm very happy and excited for tomorrow.Lol, my school got an event callled 'School Sports Day'.Yes, I'm attending.And, I'm gonna vote for my home sports (TOPAZ) Hihihi.Go, Topaz ! Go, Tigers !

 I'm done hanging my clothes to wear for tomorrow.Hihi, I'm so excited to support my home sport.Well, Topaz is leading no.3 and its quite good. (shaking my head like a boss) Lol.Anno anno, I'm over-axcited.Sorry for that :p Okay, today I laughed damn hard in class with my girls (Ana & Akma).We were awesome laughing like a boss on the class.I just search this website to see my mid-term results.I opened it, and saw ..... "G".And, I was like ... want to cry.I saw theres no "A" or "B".I saw "G" and I went to my room and cry as hard as I can.What a Shame of me.Am so sad and scared if my mom knows my BAD results.See, its true what people say about 'Too many laugh, makes us cry so hard'.I get it now. 

Okay, guys.I think, I should stop now.Need to relax myself.So, goodbye ~