Ramadhan festive

Salam Ramadhan to all Muslim.Spread the love   

Assalamualaikum, to all my viewers.Today I don't have an idea what to update.So,I decided to update about 'Ramadhan' and examination for UK2.As you all know,   InsyaAllah this Saturday will be muslims 1st day for fasting.And, I just can't wait to go out with my family to Baazar Ramadhan.Hihi, there will be so many food&drinks.I love that moment when I went to Baazar, and I was like 'too many food that I can't choose what to buy' LOL.

Then, when Raya Aidilfitri come.There must be 'lemang, nasi himpit, chicken&beef rendang ' on the table.I'm the first person who will eat all the food.Haha, well you know me.A girl who loves to eat *clapclap* Then, for the first day Raya.All muslim will go to their late mom/dad/grandma/grandpa and etc grave.We will pray for them a Yassin and much more.Then, only we can go to our families house, shaking hands and ask for forgiven.

So, tomorrow is my 1st day of UK2 examination.Oh, I'm sick of exam.Ah,can't just we learn everything without sitting an exam ? YOLO.Tomorrow paper is English and History.Oh, I hate history subject so much.But, I forced myself to read and understand all the topics that teacher story us.Oh, is it great ? Lol.I guess thats all from me today.Have a nice day and bye-bye *smile*