MTV World Stage

Bye-bye Malaysia.

Assalamualaikum, hello guys.How were you doing ? I'm just fine here, thank you.So, today as you know 'MTV World Stage live in Malaysia' aite ? And, guess who is the artist for this year ? *drum background* Lol, it's Justin Bieber, KARA, Jay Park and Mizz Nina.Uuuuuu~ sounds BORED aite ? Lol, so bored.Well, for me this year World Stage artist is not that 'Boom!'.I want like Maroon5 or Hot Chelle Rae.Mwehehe, thank god I'm not wasting my money this year MTV World Stage.Lulz, sorry to say.

As you all know, all people that went to Sunway Pyramid is on their way back home.And, some of them are there at Sunway still shopping and blabla.Oh, great.I know, some of them wasting their time there and forgot to pray for Maghrib or Isya' maybe.Haih, dissapointed.But, its their fault.Its non of my business aite ? Yeah, tomorrow is Sunday.And, it is the last day before exam.Whoah, time flies so fast.Zzzz

You know what ? The first paper for 1st examination is English and history subject.Wait, History ? Damn, I don't understand any of my history notes.Goshh, this is WAR ! *sighs* I'm gonna try my best for this UK2 exam.InsyaAllah, I can.Amin :')

Last but not list, InsyaAllah.This Saturday will be Muslims 1st day for Ramadhan.Awh, I just can't wait to fasting.And, 'bersahur/berbuka' with my family.Hihi, I just miss that moment.Kay, I have to go now.Bye-bye guys xx