Silents in admire.

Assalamualaikum, yaww guys.Oh, what a hot day today.I'm sweating at school like a runner.Lol, I'm not a runner.But, I'm sweating like a runner.Kay kay, stay healthy guys.Lets talk about today.Okay ? *thumbs up*

So, today I am too silent in the class.Wondering why ? Oh, yeah.My laugh/crazy buddy didn't came to school.Yes, kinda sad and feel down.But, its okay.I still have my classmates aite? Hihi, but still bored in the class without laughing like always.Okay, enough about this.Pn. Fatimah is really mad at 85% of my classmates included me.Because, we did not pass up her essay.Well, 5 essay? You gotta be kidding me.She's so mad like an angry Lion in the cage craving for meat.Lol, sorry Pn. Fatimah for not doing your homework.Its just too many essay and I'm lazy to do it :>

Yeah, next.Today, my mom and aunt is off to KL.They're busy about 'Ibu tunggal' stuff.Yeah, I'm all alone in this house.Am so bored got nothing to do.Sleepy, but lazy to sleep.How can ah ? .__. Lol, I think its enough for me to story about today.So, bye-bye *waving hands*