Unforgetable moment with my girlfriends.

Assalamualaikum, hello mello guys.Today, my stomach is hurt.Lol, I laughed too hard with my girlfriends today.Maybe it cause me stomach ahce.Hahaha, so how were you doing there ? Wait, good ? Great and I'm glad to hear that.

Yeah, today is Friday.Happy FF day and Salam Jumaat guys! And, guess what ? I have no homework, no works to do and just tweet much.Isn't that cool ? Lol, anno anno.Well, tomorrow is Saturday and the next day is Sunday.Damn, its gonna be bored sitting at home doing nothing. *sighs* What a bored life.But, I just have to move on.Lol, 'move on' ? Hahaha.K, lazybum me to do everything.Hearing musics while tweet.Awesome Friday.

Another 15days to go for fasting month.Hihi, seriously I can't wait.Then, go out to buy new 'baju kurung, shawl and more Raya stuff'.InsyaAllah, we got money to buy new things.Hmm, too many complicated situation this year.Money and much stuff.Haih, so hard to take it easy about money nowadays.Everything here in this world, must use money.

Lastlu, stay cute and stay healthy guys xx