Breathe in. Breathe out.

Assalamualaikum, *yawn* . How are you ? I'm just fine here, Alhamdulillah. Long time no update. I'm too busy with school and much more. Enough with that. Let the story begin ...

Alhamdulillah, today is our 15th Ramadhan. And, everything's just fine. I'm full eating kuih for berbuka just now. Ah, feels like a boss now on the couch while tweeting and updating blog. Before berbuka I did one of my homework. But, there's two more un-done. *sigh I'm too lazy to finish it. That's a true fact for every student. YOLO. Tonight, I was thinking to sleep early. Uh, sleepy girl here. 

Too many problems that came into my life. But, thank you to all my family, friends and juniors for being there when I need them. All their advices makes me even more stronger than before. How proud I am to have you guys, stay awesome. I don't know what happen to me if they're never be in my life. I'm really grateful to have them. *cried*

So, Raya Aidilfitri is coming. How's your preparation ? Done ? Almost done ? Good and lucky you. Wondering why I'm so sad ? *sigh I don't have enough money to buy a new clothes for Raya. Me is so sad. I've got a family problems. ' You still have your past year Raya clothes. You still can wear it. Plus, it's fine right ? ' - via My mom. My mom was right. Alhamdulillah, I still got my past year Raya clothes. But, I really want a new clothes. Hmm :/

~ I think, thats all from me. Thanks for visiting and come back soon okay ~