Messy time .

Assalamualaikum, hello guys. I'm back. Yeah, long time no update. Too busy with school stuff. Alhamdulillah, I've got a free time to update you Blogger. Hihihi

As you all know, Raya Aidilfitri is around the corner. Lot of my friends, already bought their new clothes and stuff. But, me ? *sigh* Stillnot buy any new clothes. Its okay. I understand. This is one of Allah tested to my family. Like my mom said 'Last year 'baju kurung' still suits me and still okay. You can still wear it dear' :')

Ah, enough with my sad story. Lets keep on going with happy story ? Hihi, so. InsyaAllah, my family will start cleaning our whole house by this up-coming Thursday. Heeeee, lets make ourself sweat :> Can't wait to help my lovely grandma, auntie and my mom cook Beef Rendang and much more. Yeahh *dancing*

 Anyways, I hate school holidays actually. Wondering why ? Let me tell you. Teachers gonna give us lots and lots of homework. This is WAR. And, sitting/sleeping in the house makes me bored. I want school. Heh. But, its okay. Be grateful because we've got holidays and we can spend our free time with our families :)

Okay guys. This is all from me. Stay good. Stay healthy and stay beautiful xx