Happy Eid Mubarak dear all Muslims ♥ ‏

Assalamualaikum, hello guys. Exspeacially to you all Muslims. How are you ? Oh, I'm fine here thank you. Hope you're just fine there with your family and your loved ones. 

As ya'll know, Ramadhan is almost over. And, Eid Mubarak is just around the corner. Wow, time flies so fast. *sigh* Kinda sad to know that Ramadhan is almost over. But, it's okay. Can't wait for next year Ramadhan. Hihi, Eid Mubarak ? Village ? Oh, yeah. You're going to your hometown ? Tonight ? Tomorrow ? Have a nice and safe trip okay ? If your driver (Mom/Dad) is sleepy, ask them to stop somewhere to take a nap. Short nap maybe. It's for your own good. 

I'm cleaning the house. Oh, yes. So sleepy now, hungry and sick. Ah, but I just can't do anything about it. Eid is near. Need to clean everything in this house. To make it look nice and clean. Hihi, can't wait to eat all kind of Eid foods. Ketupat, beef rendang, and much more. So, bought already your Eid clothes and stuff ? Nice . Hihi, I'm done too. Bought 2 'baju kurung' , 'tudung' and shoes. Alhamdulillah.

Anyways guys, stay good & healthy this Eid. Don't play too hard all fire cracker. It is very dangerous baby. And, may we all find peace, happiness, and love through our efforts.
Eid mubarak again and I hope all your days are filled with happiness and joy.