Happy Eid Mubarak ♥ ‏

Selamat Hari Raya sayang ...

Assalamualaikum, dear people. Alhamdulillah, Muslims is celebrating the Eid Mubarak. I'm here to wish ya'll a Happy Eid Mubarak. stay good and Maaf Zahir & Batin to ya'll if I did any wrongs. 

I started my day by iron my 'baju kurung' and hearing songs. Lol, what a great beginning aite ? Haha. Then, I hit the shower and wear my clothes. Hihihi, cute little me up there in the picture. YOLO. Then, I went to my grandma's house (just behind my house) K. We shaking hands and ... we cried together. Eating ketupat , beef & chicken rendang and much more. Alhamdulillah, lot of my far family came to my house. Hihi, long time no meet aite ? Miss them. And ..... I've got a 'duit raya'. Hihi, you've got too ? Well, high 5 ! 

Nothing more to say. I'm too excited. And, I'm grateful because my Eid this year still make me smile and laugh even though without my loved ones  .. papa. *sigh* 

Dear, papa. If you read this, I just want to wish you Happy Eid Mubarak. Stayg good and classy. I wish you were here with us, snap a picture together. Shake hands and much more. *crying* *sigh* We missed you SO MUCH ! I'm sorry for all my wrongs to you. I'm trying to be a better person/daughter. InsyaAllah. I love you papa, FOREVER.

That's all from me. Thanks for visiting. May ya'll find your happiness and joy with your family/loved ones :'*