I've got to sleep . *cough* SLEEP

Assalamualaikum, hello earth people. Wow, what a long journey today. From a place, to a place. KL -> Sepang -> Klang -> KL. Woot woot. Were totally exhausted and sleepy. Let me story you everything. Teehee

So, today I woke up at 7 a.m and start my day by ironing my baju kurung and tudung. Then, I hit the shower. After shower, I decided to eat for breakfast. I ate nasi himpit with my mom's Chicken curry. Absolutely delicious kay ! Haha. After done eating and bla bla bla. We waited for our relatives to come. We do a convoy, only 2 cars. 1st stop is at Petronas. Filling the fuel as much as it can. LOL

Then, we straight to Sepang. We arrived around 2 p.m at aunt Keni's house. She treated us rice + Lemak kuning Nanas + Ayam goreng kampung + Sayur Kobis + Ayam kampung masak sambal . You know what ? It is damn F foods to eat that moment. I'm craving 'masakan kampung' so much ..... YOLO.

After drive by about 4-5 houses, we straight to Klang. My grandpa's relatives. Whoah, her wife treated us rice + Fried fish + Fish curry + Vegetables . Ohhh ~ It's all about foods >:)
Heaven mayn ! Haha. Nuff with foods and much story. Uh, I'm so sleepy. I want to sleep, but I just can't. I don't know why .______________________. '

But, even though were exhausted and sleepy, today's beraya thingy is awesome. And, Alhamdulillah, we arrived home safely at late night. I think, that's all from me tonight. More for tomorrow InsyaAllah. Bye-bye *hugs* Thanks for visiting mine b-b-b-baby ...