What I felt tonight ..

Assalamualaikum, people. How's your day huh ? Fine ? Worst ? Na'ah, its okay guys. There's always a bad and a good day. There's up and down in our life. We just got to deal with it. Smile okay ? Yes, even its a FAKE smile ...

*sneazing* Okay, I'm bored. I just got my twitlimit. So, I decided to update my blog. I don't know what topic to post. But, I'm feeling not alright now. Hmm, I'm not crying. Just feeling about to cry. Yeah. The truth is, I'm smiling right now. Smiling like there's nothing happened. You know me, good in faking myself. Bad and worst attitude actually ... *sighs*

People and problems, never break up. Always stay together. Agreed ? Yes. Problems came no matter what. No matter when & where. We just need to be prepare and be strong, brave to handle it. If you think, you can't handle your problems. And, you feel like want to burst a tears. Just let it burst. It will make you feel better. Trust me on this .. I've been there. It makes me feel good .. later. Sometimes, problems makes human stress and hurt. Sometimes, it makes human want to cry or even be all alone. I don't know why ... strange huh ? Yes, it is. Whatever it is, whatever you do. Always pray to Allah and ask for he's forgiveness. InsyaAllah, when you pray. Allah will help you. But, you need to know this. Don't only find Allah when you're sad or feel down. find him no matter how, when, and where. You're nothing without him. Be grateful for what you've got. Whatever you've got now, is from him. Almost everything.