What's hurt having a friendship that sucks .

Assalamualaikum, long time no update. So, how are you Blogger ? I'm just fine here, thank you. I'm being too busy for this few weeks. Alhamdulillah, I can spend a bit time to update my blog. So, how's your day ? Hope your day was just fine as usual. Mine ? My day ? Oh, one word. Worst. I think, even more worst than you.

Wondering why ? Oh, yeah. I can share everything. Sure, why not ? Here we go ... 
 Here's the thing, it's about my friendship. Yes, friendship. You know, I hate arguing with my friends or even family. But, I don't know why this year fights with my friends is obviously worst than past years. I mean, its kinda annoying and wasting my time. And, of course its hurting me. I'm tired with all of these. Non-stop fighting about small things. Plus, what's hurt me the most is one of my friends 'bestfriend' trying to push herself into this fights. And, I was shocked because I don't know why on earth is she bordered herself into our problems. Damn, its pretty annoying k. Wait, too annoying I guess.

I don't know what to do or how to tell this girl the truth. Because, she only heard a story from one side and then *pooof* she tweets bad about my friends and me. Like, seriously ? You don't know the truth, you only heard a story from one side, you don't investigate to know the true things and much more. Suddenly, you tweeted all those stupid things like a lifeless person. Of course I'm mad. You lied if you don't. I feel like want to kill myself. Ya Allah, but Alhamdulillah. When I prayed to Allah. Everything is getting better. But, still I'm hurt. How could you do this to your OLD friends. Haa ? See, you only friend with us for a reason such as 'when you bored, you find us' 'when you've got no friends to walk with, you came to us' RIGHT ? Oh, yeah. I knew that long time ago. But, you know .. its okay. I'm fine. Just go on with your f*cking life. Yes.

*For seriously, I don't need a friend like you. Such a hypocrite, pathetic and liar person you are. I hate you so much. I wonder, when will you change your bad attitude. Hopefully, you change one day. But, if you changed to be a better person. I'm sorry if I can't accept you like before ... I hope you understand me.*