Final exam is just around the corner . Wait , what ?


Assalamualaikum & hello , viewers . And , evening guys . Okay , today is kind a bored day for me . I don't even know why . But , its okay . How about your day ? Hope everything's is just fine there . Lemme story you more ... 

Today is Monday . And , I've got a final exam to sit on . This is just scared me as hell . I don't even prepare anything for the exams . Oh , my . What a bad student am I , huh ? Shut up . Lol , I don't know if I can score any of the subject that I've learned . Especially ,  for Account , Add maths and Maths subject . I hope that I can do the best and score the simple and easy subject . I mean , not that EASY . What I mean is like , Bahasa Malaysia , English & Pendidikan Agama Islam . InsyaAllah .

But , I have to admit something . Man , I'm sucks at arranging my schedule perfectly . I don't know what time I have to study and I just can't let off my hands from tweeting . This is even more worst . I should stop updating and start learning and do lots of exercises . So , update more after the final exams InsyaAllah . Byebye xx