Final examination is over.

Assalamualaikum, hello guys. Its been awhile I'm not posting any new activities lately aite ? I'm being busy with my final examination. Its okay, now I'm free after finished answering my last paper for final exam yesterday. Which is, Mathematics. Oh, sounds cool huh ? I know right.

So, too many things I want to share it here. But, I can't afford to type it here. Well, this is not an essay thingy. Na'ah, I'm fine. I decided to story what had happened today. Yes, today I went to school with my uncle and my lil' sis by a car. What a cold morning, cold afternoon and cold evening today. Raining heavily non-stop. Alhamdulillah, that's great. I love today's weather.

Then, at school. Only Syikin and me, walking into the school and straight away to the hall. Took the Yassin, and recite it with the teachers & my fellow friends. Right after, recite the Yassin. All form3 & form4 students need to wait at the hall. There's something, the BM teacher want to tell us. After around 20 minutes, she told us that the our school is having a 'Talentime' competition and much more. My friends, were looking at me while saying 'Yana, awak masuk lah. Awakkan pandai menyanyi. Hehe'. Lol, I don't want too.

Later, we went upstairs and straight to our classroom and we've got a tasked to do. It is, cleaning our classroom. All the girls was in the class, cleaning the DIRTY FISH classroom. While, all the boys was downstairs at the field to play football I guess. Pn. Hanim asked them to go upstairs to clean up the class together with the girls. After 30 minutes, the class was cleaned up by all of us. And, I really mean it. It is SUPERBLY clean. Teehee.

My buddies didn't came to school today. So, I decided to have a talk or amazingly to say 'gossip-ing' with the girls. Lol, we talked crap much. Isn't that great to fill my bored em' day at school. Credits to my classmates for today. Thank you, and have a nice day guys. That's all from me. Assalamualaikum.