Jamuan Hari Raya , sekolah .

Assalamualaikum , hello to all my dear viewers . Its been a long time I don't update my blog . I mean , not that long actually . Haha , k . So , here's the thing . Today , my school got an event 'Jamuan Hari Raya' . I attended and guess what ? Its been a BLAST ! Oh , yes I swear . Hihi , but it seems to be bored cause our principal I guess . She asked all the students to wear school uniform for this event . Like , seriously ? *sigh* But , its okay . Atleast , were having fun all together with our classmates . 

You know , I love today . Yes , its keep making me smile . Like , the whole day . I want to thank you to all my classmates for today . For making me smile . Exspeacially ,  Akmma , Ras , Rara , Didi , Najwa , Ana , Amier , Syazani , Hasif and Nuzul . You guys are totally awesome ! No doubt my man . Lol . 

For firstly , my mood to go to school is kinda down . Suddenly , when I stepped my feet into school . I smile . Yes , I saw my bestfriend and I was like 'Yeayyy' in my heart . And , I don't even know why ... haha . Then , we talked much in the hall . We continue talking in the class . Teacher was teaching happily . Its great , just great . 

After done learning with Pn. Hanim and teacher Zainon , we decided to arrange the tables to put all the foods that we bought . Alhamdulillah , we arranged it nicely . We put all the foods on the tables and Pn. Azizan walked into the class like a boss . She seems to be happy cause she smile for the whole day . Alhamdulillah . But , she kept 'perli' me . So sad , me is so sad .

After done talking, snapping picture, laughing out loud, eating much and walked all around the school blocks , we decided to finish all the foods for the last time . Before we go back home and have a rest . Haha , Alhamdulillah , lot of the foods finished . Included the water . Everything was awesome . I love today . Gonna miss it , one day . 

Finally , we re-arranged back the tables as usual and started to clean all the mess and rubbish on the floor . We cleaned up with a short period and yes . The class looks .. um .. pretty nice . Haha , yeah . I wonder if I ever remember my friends when I'm old one day ... Hmm ... *sad background music* Anyways , InsyaAllah I'll remember you my friends <3 So , that's all from me today . Here for some more picture of us :