Monday the great .

Assalamualaikum night people . *tenenenenenet* *jumping* Hello ! I'm back on the couch tweeting much . Nyeh , what up guys ? Nothing's up ? Oh , me nothing's down here . Kay , ignore me . Too hyper today . LOL 

Oh , tomorrow school day . What a long journey today . Got 3 open houses just now . I was freaking tired . I posted lots and lots of picture at Twitter . Its cool to keep lots of picture . Hihi , I can make it as my personal 'teen album' . Haha . So , just now I went to my friend's house . I ate too many dishes till I can't move . That's pretty sucks . But I enjoyed laughing , talking and snapping pictures with my girls . I'm pretty sure I will sleep in the class tomorrow . Oh , because I'm too tired as hell today .  

Thank god I already ironed my school uniform last night . So , that I'm free tonight . And , I can sleep early than before . Hihihi . I don't what to post more . So , here's my photos with my friends just now : 

Syira the chubby .

Farrah , Najwa and me the funny .

Najwa , me and Syira the crazy .

'Aaahh ~' 'Woooo!'

Nothing to display .

Beloved girlfriend <3