What a cold morning

Assalamualaikum, Good Morning ! Oh, yes. What a cold morning today. Here in Malaysia, raining just now. I grabbed a cup of coffee and drank it while tweeting. I tweeted much till I get bored. So, I decided to download some new musics. Just downloaded it, transferred to my phone musics file. So, that I can hear them when I'm bored or before I go to sleep. 

I hit the shower at 7 I guess. I was shaking and hsss-ing all the time. Its kinda funny moment for me. Lol. I ate fried bihun with a cup of coffee more and more and more. Oh, I just love coffee. I don't care if its cold or hot coffee. As long as it called 'coffee' *thumbs up*. After done hang my clothes that I just washed inside my house, I grab my mom's laptop and tweet while updating blog. Hihi, its a part of my daily routine. You should know this :p

 Later, I'll go to Batu Caves. My relatives gonna get engaged. Oh, I'm so lazy to go anywhere today actually. But, as my mom says 'Come on, its your relative. You should go' *sigh* You know what ? Yes, I'm going. Well, I think that's all from me today. More tomorrow, InsyaAllah xx