Good feeling.

Assalamualaikum, their people. Today, I woke up at 7 a.m sharp. What a great day and Alhamdulillah Allah gave me a chance to live. I'm grateful, thank you Ya Allah. 

Oh, yeah. Yesterday, was a blast. Great day, spending about 5-6 hrs at KLFC with my family. Karaoke much like the world is ours. Rezeki came to us,  Alhamdulillah. Aunt Sheriey who treated us karaoke. We appreciate it so much my dearest aunt. Having you with us yesterday is the best. Long time no hang together like yesterday. Ah, I miss yesterday.

Today, I began my morning by update my bbm & Twitter status. While smiling and tweet much till now. I don't know, but I think I'm too happy today. Kinda weird tho, but its okay. Its a good feeling to be happy. So, today I don't whether I'm going out or not. Hopefully, I'm going out. Cause, sitting, sleeping, tweeting and doing all stupid stuff in my room makes me damn bored. So, yeah.

I think, that's all from me today. Update more next time, InsyaAllah xx