Yesterday, an awesome day ♡ ‏

Assalamualaikum, hello dear viewers. Welcome, sit back and relax.

I'm back, updating new post for this week. So, here's my story for this week. Yesterday, I went to Wangsa Walk Mall with my classmates and other friends. It was fun and an awesome day I spent.

I woke up at 7 a.m I guess. It is too early to go out and have fun. But, I'm so excited okay. Shut up, haha. I went to the bathroom and hit the shower. Then, I decided to have a rest before going out. So, I slept about 3hrs. I promise with my friends to be at Wangsa Walk around 12.30 - 12.31 p.m. And, I made it ! Hihi.

I arrived at 12.31 p.m and met Farhanah right between the Roti boy and pharmacy stall. Stall ? Blugh, whatever. Haha, we talked much and Akmma came after I came to Wangsa Walk. About 10-11 mins later. We're super excited met each other and laughed & talked much as usual. Isn't that sounds great ? Teehee.

Then, saw my other friends from other class and one from my classmates. Shake hands and we're off to the food court to have our lunch. I mean, them. I already ate that time. Huhu, Akmma treated me coffee O' ice. Thanks, buddy. We're laughing and talking and gossip-ing and and and more like a boss at the food court. Haha.

We met Amier & Ariff there too, we accompanied both of them having lunch. We planned something, luls. Then, we walked to the Chatime stall. Stall? Blugh, shut up. Haha, we also talked and I did some jokes. You know, just to make them feel boredless and happy. Hehe, Amier started to do some jokes too. Pretty funny huh, Lecka Lecka ~ Huhu.

About 20-25mins later, Didi & Rara came to us and sat beside me. We started to be even more crazy than before. Haha, Akmma, Farhanah, Didi, Rara, Amier & Ariff and included me laughed like F hard. We're awesome liddat. Later, we entered the game station. And, one of the kid in the game station asked Amier to dance with him. Amier took the challenge and dance ! What a sporting buddy aite ? Haha, guess what ? He lost the game with the .. hmm, I don't know. Maybe 7-8 years old kid. Its okay, they're only having fun. Sporting ! 

Later, after everyone of our classmates arrived @ Wangsa Walk. We're rushing to the Superstar Karaoke and payed to enter and enjoy. Well, like I said, 'ENJOY'. We're enjoy and having fun in the Supertsar Karaoke singing, snapping picture, crazy and much more in the room. Superbly, awesome day. Thank you guys xx 

Here's some of the pictures : 

The best classmates ever :*