School holiday just started

Memories last forever .

Assalamualaikum, good morning to all beauty & the Beast. Uh, what a strange 'welcome note' huh ? Its okay, ignore that. Welcome, to my blog. First of all, do relax yourself and smile. Please, no cranky face okay ? Oh, and yeah. Hope you enjoy reading my update for today. Bismillahirahmanirahim ...

9th November 2012 : Last day of school for 2012  

I went to school at 7a.m as usual yesterday. Having a great morning with a smile and I speaked to myself ' Alhamdulillah , Ya Allah . Thank you for giving me a chance to live '. Then, I went to the toilet and hitted the shower and I wore my school uniform for the last day of school. Huhu, while I'm wearing it. My eyes, burst into tears. Yes, thank god. I still can control myself and went to school happily. 

When I'm arrived at school, I saw my friends outside. Farhanah & Syikin. I walked to them and happily say 'hye' and waving hands. They return back my 'hye' and waving their hands too. We started to talk and laugh much. 6-7mins later, Akmma came to us and happily hugged and 'hye' us too. Then, we walked into our school and straight to the 'Dewan Terbuka'. Saw Najwa, Farrah, Mai, Adilah and more. I ran to them and hugged Najwa, huhu.

All form3 & form4 students, have to gather at the 'Dewan Terbuka'. The teachers are explaining about what gonna happen on that day. But, my friends and me were talking and laughing much. I swear, I didn't hear anything what the teachers were saying. I'm sorry. Lol, Farhanah & Akmma are being so crazy that morning. Hahaha. I can't stand, girls. Huhu, thank god the teachers didn't see us talking.

After all the Muslims recited Yassin, we all went upstairs to our classroom and we've been asked to clean-up our own classroom. Well, we actually cleaned it up together. Hihi, we've got no excuses and we keep on cleaning our classroom. Till, Pn. Aiza came to our classroom to check if our class is clean or not. And, she said , ' Okay, dah bersihkan ? Sekarang, turun ke kelas 4Kemanusiaan '. And, I was like ... ' Laaaa, asal pula ? Hmm '. We walked to their class and sit down at the back. 

Pn. Hanim, came into the class and passed our English paper 2 I guess. Lol, Alhamdulillah I've got a good marks for English. Teehee. Then, Pn. Nora passed us our Maths paper 2. And, I've got bad marks for Maths. OMJusss, I'm so sad. But, its okay. I've tried my best .. Hmm. After checking the marks for my English & Maths paper, I snapped some pictures with my classmates. Then, off to the canteen to have our breakfast. As usual, I don't eat. LOL

After recess, we all went to the 'Dewan Terbuka' back and ............... continue snapping pictures together. Hehehehe, am so happy. Were having fun singing, laughing and talking much. Then, I started to cry when I hugged my lovely junior. Sabrina Batrisyia. She's awesome and an understanding junior ever. Hmm, she also cried while hugging me. 'Sehati sejiwa' , lol.

Then, the bell's ringing, and we was like , ' Alaaa, loceng dah berbunyi. dah balik ke? Hmm, sekejapnya '. How sad, we have to go back. We hugged and shake hands and much more together. And, I can't control myself. I cried later in my mum's car. Mama bought me to a food stall to have lunch. After lunch, I went back to school. Just, to hug Nurina & Isya. Finally, found them. Hugged, talked, laughed and snapped picture much. Hihi. Met, zahilah & Fizah outside. What more ? Snapped and hugged much to. Hihi. Its like the best day of all time , man. I swear ... Hmm. But, that's just yesterday. No more, school holiday just started. And, I'm not in a holiday mood. Oh, how sad. 

Dear,  friends. I just want you to know that you're perfect to me. Thank you for being so much caring, sweet and lovable friends. I know, I may be too annoying sometimes. I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to. And, I just need to confess this. This year is the best year of my life. Even, this year I'm too emotional and I cried a lot. Too many tested from Allah. Alhamdulillah, I'm strong enough to handle it. Hmm, wondering why this year is the best year of my life ? Cause, I've got a cool & awesome classmates ever. 

I'll be definitely, miss you guys. xoxo