Skype 2hrs +

Assalamualaikum, good morning to yall's. I'm back, with my new post. So, today I've planned with one of my lovely junior to skype with her @ 10pm. So, We've made it. Here's our pictures while skype-ing. Hihi, Sabrina + Me = Cute forever  

Yesterday was pretty awesome, the wedding at PICC, Putrajaya was great. I'm having fun there eating, talking and snapping picture much. And, yeah. I do ate a lot, homaii. I wore long blue dress and long black skirt. Included with a blue/black tudung bawal. Hihi, Aunt Suhaila & Unc Zul looked good. Congratulations, guys xx

Today, everything went well. Yeah, I'm having fun too with my beloved family. Tweeting a lot with my followers on Twitter. Hmm, I miss school, teachers and friends already .. How sad , huh ? Its okay, I'm grateful cause this is the time where I can relax myself down aite ? Hihi. 

Actually, I don't know why am I updating a new post for my blog tonight. I don't feel like to post, but maybe its because I've got twitlimit. Don't know what to do, so I decided to update my blog. Hmm, nothing to say more. Its just this for today, see you in my other post. InsyaAllah, bye-bye ;)