What is school ?

Assalamualaikum, what's up guys ? Homaii, its been awhile huh I don't publish a new post.
I'm so sorry, quite busy these days. You know, um .. school. This is the last month of 2012, school's gonna open another 3-4 weeks from now. Hmm, I'm not ready to school. Especially, next year I'll be sitting on a BIG examination. Hmm, I'm scared.

Ah, let me change the subject. Yeah, talk about school. Alhamdulillah, I went to Jaya Jusco Alpha Angle yesterday with my mum & lil' sis. Bought lots of new school stuff for next year. Such as, clothes, stationary, bags & shoes. Hehehe, its great spent a day with beloved family. I love you guys !

Well, I'm updating this at 12:28 a.m and its quite late in the morning for a person like me. Still under age, duhh. Still not sleeping, like whaaaaaaaat. I don't know, this year school holidays are different to me. I swear, my holiday mood are  not on from last month. I only think about school & friends. Miss them so much, k ...


So, lot of people asked me to do/post a new cover. Especially, my close friends. They asked me to do a cover of "Skyfall by Adele" and post it in Youtube. I don't know, I'm sick for 9th days now ... InsyaAllah, if I'm okay. I'll be doing more cover. Pray for me to get well soon, thank you & I love you xx

Well, I think that's all from me tonight. More post next time ? Assalamualaikum. Bye-bye !