Home Alone ☟


Assalamualaikum & hello guys ! Its almost 2pm now and I'm here cause I've got nothing to do. Yeap, I decided to update my blog. So, I'm home alone and my family are out to Wangsa Walk. YAAAYYY! *yeah right*

Chilling myself alone by hearing songs, tweeting, youtubing & rolling on the floor with my buddies (cats). LOL, took my breakfast at 10am. And, now I'm starving like a ..... I don't know .. Wolf ? Yeahh. Later, gonna eat my med's. Hmm, still coughing like an old man. It kept distracting me to do EVERYTHING. Ugh. You know, its cool to be home alone sometimes. But, world these days are different. Way too different. Everything became unexpected. I can't have fun like I used to, need to be prepared and take care of my own life. Um, okay let's skip about this creepy topic. Hmm, I don't have an idea what to talk about actually. Zzz. Random topic to talk about is ... friends ? Umm. We tend to have friends everywhere, school, college, office, neighborhood ... imaginary! Friends are the relatives that we choose, they are those with whom we can share and speak every possible thing on earth. So, there is no need to be decisive or careful about what to say and what not, for most parts, until you're passing some personal remarks on someone's funny habit. And, there you go. 'm totally blank now. Gahh, that's all for today. Update more next week. Bye-bye x