Losong, Terengganu

@ Terengganu, 22-24.12

Assalamualaikum, hello I'm back guys. Teehee, I've got an interesting story to tell you guys. Come on here, sit down & relax yourself. Here's the story begin. 
22nd December 2012 > 7am
I woke up at 5.30am and hit the shower straight forward. Wore my clothes and tweet for a minute. Ehem, that's important. Haha, put all our bags into the back of the car. Pray for Subuh and off to Terengganu. Were using 5 cars all together, with each family. I know, what a big family I've got huh ? Haha. I hate packing my own stuff, but I've forced myself to. Alhamdulillah, everything's well packed. Enough with packing thingy. Its a long journey to Terengganu. So, I bought my mum's laptop for emergency. Muehehehe, on the laptop and watched Pitch Perfect for the thirteen times. OMG. While on our way to Terengganu, we stopped by at "I don't know" R&R. HAHAH, k. Sounds a bit weird, but its still a R&R guys. Huhu. Were all get our lazybum butt and sleepy eyes out to have our breakfast. Alhamdulillah, I had fried mee with fried egg and a cold water. Its almost 1hr were there, talking laughing & snapping picture much. Continue our journey at 12pm I guess. Sleepy eyes, and I decided to sleep. Yeap, around 2hrs later I woke up and I saw the signboard saying "Temerloh". Woohoo, were at Temerloh and I'm so happy like a retarded person. Lol, I sleepy again. When I woke up, I was like "Where are we?" and saw the signboard saying, "K. Terengganu". I ask my aunt, "Dah sampai Terengganu ke?" She says, "Belum lah. Berapa km lagi, sampai lah. Ni nak singgah makan tengah hari". Oh, god. I thought were arrive at K. Terengganu already. Unfortunately, not yet. Haaaa, we stopped by at the food court. I don't know what's the name of the food court. Zzz, had a rice with fried egg and tea ice. Alhamdulillah, lunch was great. Oh, yeahhh. I became a photographer on that day. Snapping everything what's there. Hohoho. And, continue our journey right after Tok Ngah & Ayie came to fetch us and show us the way to our apartment. Finally, arrived safely at Sumai, apartment & hotel at 6pm I guess. I can't remember, sorry. Before we changed our clothes into pyjamas, we had A&W for our dinner. Alhamdulillah, credits to Ayah. Hihihik. Later, after shower. Were having our long rest.
23rd December 2012 > 8am   
Its morning, and were having our breakfast at 8am. I didn't take that much for breakfast. I'm in sleepy mood. So, yeah. Yet, the breakfast was awesome. Were rushing to upstairs and have a short nap before the wedding. At 12pm, we woke up. Shower & changed our clothes to blue baju kurung, baju melayu, shirts & more. Hehehe, we looked so cute. K :p
The wedding, was held at the Museum Terengganu. Were a bit late, cause the weather .. Its raining heavily + jammed. We reached there about 2pm and shake our hands with each other. Well, the bride & broom looked so smart and beautiful. The bride is my cousin, were not that close but still congrats bro ! :B
The them for the wedding is BLUE. That's why I'm using blue for the words today. Hahaha, its pretty cute. Right after the wedding, were off to the Pasar Payang. Shopping a lot ! I mean, not that A LOT. Cause, lot of the stall closed early. There's no many people come there on rainy day. I think, that's the reason why they closed early ..
24th December 2012 > 9am
Its our last day at Terengganu. I'm so sad, its like only takes 3hrs to stay there. I don't feel like 3days. Cause of the rainy day. We do a lot of indoor activities than outdoor. Gahhh, its okay. I'm still grateful for what I've got now. At least, I spent my time at other places. Far from my house. Hehehe. We had breakfast at Bibi's stall, and packed our stuff before check-out from the apartment. Sharp 12.00pm, we put all our stuff into the car and checked out at 12.30pm. And, off to Ri-Yaz Herritage to fetch my lil' sis. And, off to somewhere and had lunch. The road was jammed, flooded & more. With all that stuff, everything's turns to be late. *sigh*. It takes a lot of time to pass thru the floods. Yaiksss. You've got to be kidding if you want me to tell the rest. My hands are like shaking HAHAHAHA. I know, today's post are like my English essay .____. Haaaaaaa. Okay, lastly guys. We had dinner at Cherating, and continue our journey to go back home & finally arrived home at 2am. Alhamdulillah, were safely HOME O:)
P/S :  I don't know what I was talking about. Cause I can't think anything. I'm so sleepy. Haha, thank you for visiting and have a nice day ! ;)