Well spent day with friends ♥

Assalamualaikum, I'm back ! Haaaaa, I'm over excited to story everything to you guys. Sorry, bout that. So, here's my story about this week. Oh, yeah. Smile, while reading this okay ? Enjoy ..

Firstly, hello and welcome to my blog dear viewers. How are you ? Hope you're in fine condition. Don't be like me, singing in the rain every night and caught fever + sore throat in the morning. Hmm, so sad. Well, it is not that sad. But, still sad. Um, okay. Zzzz, haha.
Let me story one by one from the picture yeah ? Hihik.

Secondly, for the four picture that you see on the top was today. I woke up early in the morning and off to Jelatek jogging with my friends. Had fun with you guys, Akmma, Farhanah, Amier & Walid. Even though, some of we are late & I'm exhausted. Yet, it was superbly fun ! Thank you for today, guys. 

Thirdly, the picture where I was wearing orange 'tudung bawal' was on last Tuesday. I went to school for account folio. Together doing the folio with, Akmma, Amier, Walid, Mai, Fifi & Intan. Alhamdulillah, I finished my folio on time. Gonna print & binding it later and send it to my account teacher on next Wednesday, InsyaAllah. Thank you for helping me, guys.

Fourthly, the picture where I was wearing white shirt was yesterday.  Its a movie day, with Nadirah, Natrah, Hasif & Wan. Enjoyed watching The Hobbit with them. Thank you so much for yesterday guys. You guys are so funny, rock & funny. Hasif, Didi & Rara being so crazy yesterday till I can't laugh anymore. Shizzz, haha.  

Last but not list .. Oh, guys. Its the best week in a row. Everything went well and surely I'm gonna miss this week. Thank you for everything, thank you for making me happy & always be there by my side. Love you guys