I'm back, Youtube !

Assalamualaikum, supp guys ? Wow, umm .. its 2 o'clock in the morning now and I'm still up & online. Got nothing to do. Plus, I can't sleep. This is sick, man. Anyways, today was great. Well, for me its great even I'm hurt in the inside. Thanks to Nurina, who made my day & bring my smile back this morning. I love you, sweetheart

Talk about today, I mean yesterday ? Aha, yeah. I went to Sri Rampai & asked Akmma  and Syamer accompany me to change my phone, screen protecter. The reason why I asked them is that,  Akmma lived near there & Syamer working near there too. And yes, I've changed my phone screen protecter. Yeayyy ! Hihihik. Thanks to you guys too for accompanying me

Later, after changed the screen protecter. Syamer treated us lunch @ Ali Maju. Alhamdulillah, rezeki for me today. Thanks, man ! Really appreciate it. Arrived @ Ali Maju at 2pm. Syamer came about 2.30pm right after Friday prayer. Were talking, laughing & psycho-ing ourself much. Its fun to have a stupid conversation with silly friend. Hihihik.

Well, we went back home at 4pm. Alhamdulillah, I had fun even just for 2hrs. Hmm, snapping picture much with Akmma. Lolol, I hacked her bbm. I broadcast to all her contact ' I'm gay. '. Hahaha, later she hacked me back ' I love you. '. Man, were an evil person. Hahaha, wait ! Why am I story-ing this in here ? Lol, lifeless me. Okay, I think I'm done. Thank you for everything today, guys !

Last but not list, I did a new cover just now. Hope you like it ! " http://youtu.be/tzeTAUaKCWE " Skyfall by Adele .