Strong girl. Carry on. Tenenet


Assalamualaikum, wazzzup guys. I'm back, its been awhile from the first week of 'back to school' session. Gahh, I've got too many homework to be done before Monday. Ahh, Alhamdulillah. Finished all the homework before Monday except for Addmath homework. I'm so confused with the new chapter. OMG ...

Went to Wangsa Walk just now. Sent my lil' sis to her friend, birthday party. And, I bought new ManUtd jersey and Hazelnut chocolate from Chatime. Yay yay ! Love it. I'm too exhausted and need a lot of rest. I decided to iron my school uniform first. Then only, I can have my long rest. For now, I'm bored. Got nothing to do. That's why 'm updating my blog with my mum's permission. Went out at 10am and got back home at 6pm. It is a long day for me. Haaaa, no wonder I'm very exhausted. Yeap, searched for any cheap tuition centre. I don't know if my mum want to register me in one of all tuition centre we searched just now. I accept it. I really need to go for an extra class. I'm weak, especially in Addmath, maths, account & eco subject. Yaiks. 

I admit that this year is the most stress year ever. Everyday, I live and get thru with too many homework. Daily routine and problems. Ya Allah, I really need you always by my side. Give me a strength to handle everything before and after SPM. InsyaAllah, I'll try my best to do this up-coming intervensi 1 examination on February. Aminn. I really need to work a lot. Study group is important, haaa. Okay, nuff taling bout examination. Let's just be relax and breathe in/breathe out. So, the 2-3 days before school starts. My left kidney hurts so bad. Yes, I can't even walk easily and normally. It does hurts tho. I forced myself to go to school for the first week of school. Hmm, I should go to clinic earlier. But its okay, past is past. Alhamdulillah, everything's back to normal. The pain ease day by day. Hope to get well soon before Monday, the day of SCHOOL. Ahaaaaa. Okay, that's all from me for now. Assalamualaikum, goodbye and have a nice day. Mwah mwah, take care.