My sick life ...

Assalamualaikum, I'm back. Well, I thanked Allah for giving me a chance to live & Alhamdulillah I'm still breathing. Hmm, its been a tough and hard weeks I've been thru from the first week of school. I don't really know why? I keep my head up, smile and be strong. Alhamdulillah, everything went well. Soon, January gonna end up. And, February are waiting for the right time to come. *sigh February is my intervensi 1 examination tho. Its gonna be my stress month. Yes, with my disease, problems and stuff. I'm not focus on my studies. I mean, I can't focus 100% on my studies. Wow, sounds bad and I know right ?

When people asked me 'why?' 'what happened?' I don't know what to say and how to describe my feelings. It is way too hard then what you see. I'm happy for those who was being happy with their life now. A bit jealous towards them, cause my life now are too complicated. Like I said, it is hard to describe my feelings. I'm not asking for a sympathy. Its just what I felt from the first week of school. Like, something bad gonna be happening to me. Well, I'm just saying. Its okay, c'mon Liyana. Think positive and stay positive. InsyaAllah, everything's gonna be alright. Amin.

This is just a beginning Liyana. People say, ' Masih jauh lagi perjalanan kita ni. Kita masih muda, masih banyak lagi yang perlu kita pelajari. Jangan lah mudah putus asa. Dugaan itu akan sentiasa datang. Allah uji kita, sebab Allah tahu kita kuat. Senyum lah Liyana, selagi boleh '. Hmm , I'll try my best guys. Thank you for all your support and stuff. Heart you guys, especially my family, teacher, friends and juniors. That's all from me for my latest post. Thank you for reading. And, guys ! KEEP CALM & STAY STRONG xx