It hurts so bad.

Assalamualaikum, hello guys. Wow, its been awhile since I was busy with my school and stuff. How are yo guys? Hope you're just in fine condition. Amin. Me? Na'ah, not really good. Sick for 3weeks now. Oh, I can't take it anymore. I do feel like I'm dying day by day. Well, let's get this things forward.

As you see the picture, oh are you wondering why? What happened to me? No? Um, its okay. Actually, I don't really know what's happening to me, to my life. Too many troubles, problems came to my family. Crying everyday, every night is the thing that I hate so much. But, crying makes me feel much better. *Sigh It is way too hard to describe what I felt now. Its easy for people to say or advice me to be patient, stop crying, fake my smile and be happy bla bla. Whoah, I wonder what's your reaction if you guys in my situation right now. I tell you, it must be hard. I admit that, sometimes when I'm crying I do spoke to myself 'Why can't I just die now? It'll makes people happy.' Ya Allah, why does your tested are too big for me? I can't take it anymore. I need to stop crying. NEED TO, but I can't. I'm not strong enough like once I am. 

I don't know why are there too many haters hates me like a lot. Seriously, get over it guys. Stop complaining, stop judging and stop everything that you're doing right now. Cause, you'll get back whatever you've done to me later. Why is that ? Is it fun to make other people's hurt? NO it is not. So please ... Don't you dare talk about 'true friendship' or anything if you don't know what's the true meaning of it. Gah, I'm so sick with all of this bullshit.  Cmon, if you don't like me or is there anything you wanted to tell me? JUST TELL ME. I'm not gonna eat you, I'm a human. Oh, and why do you hate people? Like, you're not PERFECT enough to hate or even judge people like 'forever'. Just forgive, and forget. I know, it is hard to forget what people have done to us. But please, at least put some effort to forget.  You know arguing will never solve everything. Appreciates other people, love them. If they're wrong, correct them.

Dear dad, please come back. Please be yourself again. Please be someone that I've known for idk 13 years ago ? Hmm, I really need you right now. I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you. Sorry for making you mad, hurt and more. I didn't mean to, forgive me and take back all your harsh words to us. What life without 'mom & dad' ? Please pray for the best for your truly children, Mimi and me. I wonder if you ever stalk my blog. Hmm, I dreamed you like every time I miss you. I'm crying while updating this, I'm hurt, where are you now? Can't you see I need you like right now. Ya Allah, I'll pray for the best for you. Hope you're in fine condition now till forever. Amin. I LOVE YOU, PAPA <3

Don't get too happy when people on your side, cause maybe one of them will walked away if they're know the truth ... If ya know what I mean. May Allah bless you, people xx